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Upcoming Maturing Loans Report

The Upcoming Maturing Loans Report gives details of Loans whose installment repayment period has expired and they have not yet been fully recovered/repaid.

To get here, go to Loans/Portfolio Reports/Upcoming Maturing Loans Report.. A screen like one below will appear:

Additional filtering options? : This option is used to get a particular field or specification that you want. It helps you to narrow down the information that you need. When you check this option and click ok, a pop up screen will appear.

In the screen above, the filter criteria selected is Loan amount LAMOUNT (3,200,000) from the drop down box, The Relational operator checked is '=' (Equals sign) and the VALUE is interest amount of INTAMOUNT(560,000). Click the OK button. You will get a pop up message that says "Your filter for this report is LAMOUNT=3,200.000 AND INTAMOUNT=560,000. Are you sure you want to continue?"

When you click the Yes button, you will be able to generate an Upcoming Maturing Loans Report that is of loan amount 3,200,000 and interest of 560,000 and will look as one below;

However without filtering except for the "Include all loans, not just outstanding loans:" option ticked, the report will appear as below:

Click on the Close command button to exit the menu.

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